Heavens(Pt I)

Rain,wash my soul

Obliterate my sins

Fix my heart, so, so hurt,

my brain so hypocritical and selfish

and my damn tongue

Because salvation alone will not come

Since I’m so mean


If I throw myself, you won’t save me

If I scream, you will not seek to know why

And if I run away, you will not seek me


Besides being a source of pride, what am I to you?

A source of pleasure too?

Eventually,this will end,

because you lie.

And my sometimes present patience is made

So it goes through my mind

What will you do when I say no

and your blackmails no longer work?


Yes, you are underhanded

That’s why I endured you so long

After all,masochistic I am

And I don’t go a day without looking for pain

Well,don’t think that you were the only one who used

Used was also

Now we’re even

Isn’t that really my “love”?

Clarice(English version)

Let me touch you

Feel your purity

Knowing what your lips taste like


Take care of you

Watch over your sleep

Look at you

Nothing but a pleasure


So sudden



Your purity seduced me


I want to touch your face

Feel it in my fingers

To have you in my arms would be nothing but divine

Smell it

Knowing what it feels like to touch my lips with your soft skin

Ah girl … you fascinate such a lewd writer


I’m curious,

how will your skin feel, your hand in mine?

So soft

That’s what it looks like.


Get me out of this agony

I want to make you scream

I want you to say my name in pleasure

Will you be able to satisfy me?

Exorcism(English version)

I will exorcise your ghost
Until the last moan goes away
I’ll bury your memories seven feet away
Never to remember

I’ll burn the stake that stuck in my soul
No more controls will have
Didn’t think twice
Went there and made
Was the line we drew not clear enough?

You will not stop
One after another
Pause only to falsely mourn
Ironically I pray
So that no god can save you
And that in hell you burn
Along with the demons you came to worship

Who looks does not see
The ghost that is you
Created by recklessness
Punished (and rightly) for the absence
Traumatized by impotence
It then became
In the man who only tells lies

Because it lacks courage to do it ahead
Each time the “no” presents itself, it cries and screams
As the child who is
Useless, as it always has been and always will be

I don’t know every face of justice
But in your case, I hope she will show up soon
And determine your sentence
But if even she forgets you
I hope at the end of your life
You die and become compost
Proving you have at least one utility

(Ex)ecution(English version)

I want to murder you
Break your bones one by one
See your blood gush
The desperation in your eyes settle

I shared with you everything that had in me
And in one beautiful day you decidethat you don’t want me anymore, and move on
But not without hurt me first
The first skirt tail appeared
And in it you dove
Worth it?

Airless slowly I understood
You had betrayed me and forgotten
And for a moment I died
Gradually I break the coffin in which you threw me
In my hands I grab your neck
And break it, looking at your face
I throw it in the ditch you dedicated to me
I risk a match and watch it all catch fire
Flames consume your body
There will be no peace as long as your ghost exists

My weapons are running away or resist
Yours hurt or kill
I surrender to the fight
I know at the end of it
You will definitely be exorcised
Finally, and forever

Flowers of winter/Tales of lies(English version)

The winter flowers once again bloom
To form the already well-known landscape
This one that is not devoid of beauty

After several seasons here I am
Remembering what should have been forgotten
We haven’t spoken to several moons
The same sky we share
Do you think of me when you contemplate it?

My heart insists on not understanding that what I love about you is just a mirage
That my eyes produced after years in the desert
Not without water, but without love

I can’t blame you for this illusion
It would tear me into infinite pieces if I knew that this way you would become what I created in my mind.

I don’t know if I should regret crossing your path
Or if I should rejoice for every kiss we gave
Much less know if someday I’ll get over this lie-based fairy tale

All I know is that your memory still remains.

Perfect Storm(English version)

Let me fly
Let me be a leaf on the wind
Without no place to land

In or outside of the cyclone
The atraction is irresistible
I always back there
In or out

Let me lay on your lap
Be my shelter on this so rage storm
People more clever than me call of storm
It’s that how it’s suposed to be?

Dance with me inside the cyclone
While the leafs cut our skin
But we are dumbass optimists
We’ll keep smiling
We’ll even thank for the cuts
Because the legend says that whats doesn’t kill you
makes you stronger

Maybe you,not me
I became a storm
Each time more loaded of rain e lightning
But in who should I rain?
Where should I discharg?

Perfect storm

Me deixe voar
Me deixe ser uma folha ao vento,
sem lugar para pousar
Voando,voando e voando

Dentro ou fora do ciclone
Tanto faz
A atração é irresistível
Sempre volto lá
Dentro e fora

Deixe-me deitar em seu colo
Seja meu abrigo nessa tempestade tão raivosa
Pessoas mais inteligentes do que eu a chamam de vida
É assim que deveria ser?

Dance comigo dentro do ciclone
Enquanto as folhas cortam nossa pele
Mas somos otimistas imbecis
Continuaremos sorrindo
Até agradeceremos pelo corte
Pois reza a lenda que o que não te mata,
te deixa mais forte

Talvez você,não eu
Me tornei uma tempestade
Cada vez mais carregada de chuva e raios
Mas quem devo chover?
Onde devo descarregar?


Num sonho vi teu rosto

Teu abraço tão terno e gostoso

Não queria jamais partir

Mas eu acordei

Nunca senti

Uma conexão tão forte

És um irmão ou uma salvação?

Venha me salvar

Do mal que eu mesma criei

Como se supera algo que nunca existiu?

Por favor,volte e mostre que é real

Desejo trancado

De você eu quero tudo
Cada gemido
Cada suspiro
Cada grito abafado pelo travesseiro

Não vou falar
Não vou dizer nem contar
Seus segredos e essa paixão ficarão seguros comigo
Nem se quisesse poderia expô-los ao mundo
Confiaste tuas palavras a mim
E teu coração pertence a outro

Não jogarei lenha nessa fogueira
Perderei o controle se ela aumentar
E eu não serei dominada por algo tão abstrato
A experiência passada já foi o suficiente

Teu sorriso bobo
Tuas piadas tolas
E no entanto tão experiente
Não posso ir adiante

Vou te proteger escondendo meus próprios desejos


Você e eu
Não foi feliz o final
Agridoce foi o gosto que deixou
Como o outono depois do verão

Lágrimas vertem por assimilar
Que a culpa não é somente sua
Mas que justificativa não haverá jamais

Se te encontro, só poderia perguntar :
“Por que? ”
Quero ouvir da tua boca a confirmação do meus pensamentos
Para que eu possa finalmente, seguir em frente sem receios

Tua lembrança não me deixa em paz
Quero – te, mas não devo
Dilacerou – me e amou – me, como ninguém nunca havia feito
O que não tem solução, solucionado está
Eu necessito esquecer-te

Agora com clareza vejo minha culpa
Mas isso nada muda
Teu erro continua sendo irremediavel
Pois, dentre um mar de alternativas
Escolheu esconder e mentir
E só depois disse o que havia feito
Péssimo timing, mas não há nada que possa ser feito

Agora, queria ser nobre e desejar – te todo bem do mundo
Mas não
Quero que entenda e sinta todas as dores que senti
E quem sabe assim sua imaturidade e covardia possam encontrar um fim